When buying something, it is essential to know who we are doing business with! Sometimes you find the best price from an unknown store, from a site that you have never heard of before. What to do?
Before buying, search the Internet for more information about the company or website, and look for possible news of fraud involving it. Just search with "company name + complaints" or "site name + reliable." This allows you to find out the opinion of other customers, how the company has treated them, and identifies possible problems. Never forget that other people's opinions are only one factor in coming to your own conclusion.
When accessing an e-commerce website, look for information about the store's physical address, the name of the company that maintains it, the company's taxpayer registration number, phone number and contact e-mails. If the company provides all this data on its site, this is one indication that it has nothing to hide and that you can contact it if you need to. Additionally, you can check out other information using the store's taxpayer registration number (CNPJ). Conduct a quick search on the Federal Revenue Service's website and verify whether the company's name is the same as the one that appears on the Federal Revenue's CNPJ registry. If you want even more assurance, in addition to these recommendations, you can contact the store using the data published on its website.
If the site does not provide any of the information mentioned here, be cautious and do not continue!
For more information:
https://internetsegura.br/pdf/guia-internet-com-responsa-vai-as-compras.pdf (portuguese only)
In the first scene, the character is on her phone and a thought bubble appears containing a shopping bag symbol. A large mobile phone is next to her displaying a virtual store's website. In this scene, the following phrase appears: "Before shopping online."
In the second scene, the character is holding a magnifying glass investigating the mobile phone screen, which presents the following information about the store: telephone, e-mail, chat, and location. In this scene, the following phrase appears: "Check out the vendor."
In the third scene, the character is on her phone. A thought bubble appears with a shopping cart and a credit card. She makes the payment on her phone and a parcel arrives in her hand. In this scene, the following phrase appears: “Check before buying and avoid scams and fraud!"
Companies and organizations interested in participating can become partners in this initiative, adding their logo to a customized version of the videos, which can be published on their website or on other channels. Send us an e-mail parceriacidadaonarede@nic.br to request the application of your company or entity's logo to our videos.