A web page uses web standards like HTML, CSS, Javascript. These standards define rules and formats that must be respected for a website to function and appear the same, regardless of the browser used. If these standards are respected when creating the website, the result is that it works well in any web browser!
However, sometimes the website you are accessing does not behave as you expect. Images out of place, buttons that don’t work, pages that don’t load... If it isn’t a connection issue, other common reasons can cause this error.
One is a lack of compatibility. Web standards are updated with some regularity, like HTML, which is already in version 5. When accessing a page with a very old HTML version, in an updated browser, or when using an outdated browser to access a recent page, the website may behave strangely. Many browsers even have a compatibility mode to try to deal with this type of issue, which you can look for in the browser settings of the browser you use. Another important thing is to keep your web browsers always updated or check if they already update automatically!
A different situation is if the developers, when creating the website, did not use the necessary standards. This can happen due to lack of information, lack of professional updating, or a simple mistake or forgetfulness by professionals.
Browsers are built to work around these errors and oversights and do their best to display the page correctly. Depending on the type of error, one browser may do better than another at interpreting imprecise instructions, and still display the page correctly! And that’s why sometimes a web page opens in one browser but not in another. So here is the tip: have different browsers installed on your computer.
In the first scene, a man in typing on a laptop, a browser screen is shown next to him, he accesses an Internet address and tries to upload photos, but an error 505 pops up. Above, the sentence “Try to access a site but couldn’t?” appears. In the second scene, the man stands up pensive, the browser disappears... behind him there is a terminal with codes, people carrying icons of Web standards like HTML and CSS, gears moving in the background. An attention symbol appears on the screen, the phrase changes to “It may be a compatibility error”. In the third scene, the man sits down again. Above, the phrase “Try in another browser” is shown. He opens another browser, types in the address, tries to upload again, a progress bar appears, the sentence changes to “It can solve the issue”. On the browser screen, a success message appears, the man celebrates by clapping his hands.
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